Sunday, November 8, 2015

types of communication media

                                   types of communication media

media of communication are the ways, channels or means that are employed in establishing communication. the communication develops a massage and sends it to the receiver through a medium.

                                                                    communication media

two types :

  1. verbal
  2. non- verbal
1. verbal:when information is exchanged through words its called verbal communication.

             Its maybe two types:
  1. oral
  2. written
2.non verbal: when communication is done without using any  spoken its called non-verbal communication.
                        Its many types:
  1. Facial Expression
  2. Gestures
  3. Body language
  4. Space and distance
  5. Touch 
  6. Personal appearance
  7. silence

                     this all about types of communication

Friday, November 6, 2015

Elements of business communication

                                      Elements of business communication

what is memo

                                                     what is memo

memo is the short and popular form of memorandum. It is a written tool for internal communication. It rarely goes outside the organization.  Memos are primarily written for exchanging information relating to day to day functions of the organization. 

A. ashley defined , memos are written internal communication which advise or inform staff of company policies and procedures. 
generally , memos are written 
  1. issuing order ,instruction,advice,policy etc to the subordinates.
  2. informing any change of policy to the members of organization
  3. giving or seeking sugg, recommendations or explanations
  4. seeking help or information etc
thank for reading

What is business communicaton

                                                          Business communication

communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more parties. In this process, one party transmits message by using a medium and the other party receives the massage. In the communication process ,information flows from sender to receiver.


from google
according to emery and others, communication is the art of transmitting information,ideas,and attitudes from one person to another.

theo Haiman defined, communication means the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.

we can conclude that communication is a process of exchanging information , facts,ideas, thoughts,opinions,wishes,attitudes etc.Between sender and receiver .the process ends with the receivers feedback to  the sender.